1. I have my own version of blue steel and it is this look. It is the face in almost every picture of me in the last two years. I'm not sure why I feel the deer in the headlights look is a good one for me, but I have yet to change it.
2. I love, love, love, love, (add two hundred thousand more loves in) MUSIC. I have to have it playing pretty much all day. At work I have it on, in the car, at home. And I will listen to pretty much any type of music. My top bands currently are The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, and Gary Clark Jr., and the Frozen Soundtrack because I have two daughters. I demand if you don't know these bands stop reading and go to you tube and start listening. Amazing! I'll admit it, even the Frozen Soundtrack is catchy.
3. Ok, now that you are done listening to my great taste in music, I will continue. I have been known on the random occasion to break out into random rapping AND interpretative dance around the office. Now I won't lie, I think the rapping of TLC's Waterfall may haunt my coworkers for the rest of their lives, but I choose to consider myself the female version of Eminem? And let's face it, happy birthday is much more meaningful when you add a dance to it. My dance moves, well I will let you be the judge next time you see me bust my moves, but I like to think they are pretty hip.
4. My kids are AWESOME at being a constant reminder of some of the greatest lessons in life.
A little background to this picture. This is Abby on her one month birthday, she had been on a vent for about a week and a half leading up to this and was sedated for comfort the entire time. Because of all of the iv's, tubes, etc I wasn't able to hold her during that time. I remember, it was exactly on her one month birthday that I finally got to hold her with no tubes and this was the picture taken by our nurse! If you ever need a reminder to smile during the valleys in your life, this picture is a great reminder. I think of everything Abs went through and yet here she is, a day off the vent and smiling away and still loving me and giving me comfort.
And not to leave Kayla out, she reminds me to just keep trying. If you fail, get up and keep going and you will achieve your dreams. Kayla is five (yes I survived the actual birthday and she really is 5 now!) and has done a lot more than some kids in middle school because she isn't afraid to try anything.
5. As much as I love my kids, I love being able to go to work Monday-Friday. I know, it is taboo to admit it, but I love working and getting time away from my girls. And no it doesn't mean I love my kids any less so let's just stop the judging now. I found it crazy that I spent the first year back at work after having Kayla explaining why I wanted to work, you know other than that whole bills to pay reason. Come on, how many places do you have pirate parties and other themed parties once a month. I was devastated when I HAD to quit my job at MichiVan to take care of Abby.
Who wouldn't want to work in this place??
But I have been on both sides, a working mom and a stay at home mom. I am a much better mom to the girls when I get to have my adult interaction. And I am lucky enough that right now my job isn't a demanding job and is flexible when I need to run and pick up Kayla from preschool in the middle of the afternoon. You might be wondering, what amazing job do I have? I'm lucky enough to not have just one job, but two jobs! My job by day is working as the assistant at our local Chamber of Commerce. There is rarely a dull moment in our building between planning the different events and talking with the visitors who stop in. By evening, well Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I teach a youth cycling class. It is an interesting job, but I really enjoy working with the kids. It gives me a glimpse into what my future will hold. So yes on top of being an over committer, I also work two jobs.
That's right I'm going to give you a deep and meaningful bonus fact. My life is beyond hectic. I feel like we are constantly going from point A to point B with a quick stop at McDonald's to get dinner (again stop your judging you know you do it too!) before getting Kayla to yoga or dance class. But I wouldn't trade this life for the world. I love that Kayla has already gotten to experience a musical, and a dance recital, and getting to be the opening act at a concert. Granted she sat and laughed at the squealing speaker and attempted to knock down the microphones, but she loved it. And seeing her smile and confidence grow in whatever new thing she is trying makes the constant running around worth it. I know as Abs gets older it will just get more chaotic but I plan on getting a clone of myself to keep up! I look at all the amazing experiences I have had in my life, not just with my kids, but my entire life and I am one lucky girl.
So there you have it, five facts (five seems to be a theme in my blog, but I swear I'm not pregnant!) all about me. I'm sure you will rest easier now that you know everything there is to know about me.