Ok, can we take a moment and look at this precious sleeping child
Here is a summary of Claire the last 8 out of 10 months ...I'm sorry to embarrass you kiddo

Let's just say Claire has set the bar extremely high for most difficult baby ever. Not to mention she just slept two nights in a row, in her crib, all night, and this is considered the miracle of all miracles in babies AT TEN MONTHS OLD!
However, even through the screaming and crying there have been many many happy unforgettable moments and never ending snuggles from this girl. But through her I have learned so many valuable lessons. So, because I'm such a kind person I will share these things with you, so you don't feel the need to experience the last 10 months of desperation and exhaustion.
1. When you think you can't go any further, you have another at least 7 months of sleepless
nights in you. I remember a time around 2-3 months old where I thought I was going to die if I didn't at least ask the Fire Department to keep Claire for the next 2-3 days so I could gather up sleep, however, I didn't and look at me today! I mean yes I am a little more addicted to coffee and rarely out of yoga pants or a ponytail, but my kids still make it to school, dance, and church every week fairly put together. So whatever the battle is you are facing in your life, a fitness milestone, a career goal, family goal or whatever it is just know when you think there is nothing left, you have a whole half of a year to go before you truly run out, which leads to our next lesson.
2. You truly are not given more than you can handle. Yep, we all know that horrible horrible saying people feel the need to tell you when you are going through the darkest moments of your life, God doesn't give you more than you can handle. The one where if you said that to me around month 3, I may have punched you. But seriously Claire has really shown me how this is true. The days where I felt I was at my breaking point and wanted to cry or scream or the days my left hand was swollen and numb because she had been sleeping on it for a week straight... it's like she knew I couldn't take it and we would have this magical night of sleep. Sometimes sleeping a majority of the night in her crib, or going back to sleep after nursing with no problem. After the first few times, however, I learned that these were not to be taken as milestones that a regular nighttime sleep routine was happening, because seriously who would want that normalcy in their lives? So I promise I will never ever say to your face God doesn't give you more than you can handle when you are going through something hard, but seriously I promise you will get through it. Maybe a little bruised (or swollen and numb if it's a baby sleeping on your arm) or tattered, but you will survive.
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Seriously...nerve damage has to be happening in this left arm. |
3. Have I mentioned the amazingness of coffee? Really there is nothing else to say here except COFFEE is a must with a Claire in your life.
4. I truly understand the meaning of it takes a village...and my village is the BEST! People, I have the most amazing and wonderful and loving bunch of friends in the entire world and I feel so bad for all of you who don't have my friends. Whether it's bringing me coffee..and occasionally baby motrin when teething Claire comes out to play, or willingly taking my screaming grouchy baby for an entire school week while I run the book fair (whose idea was it for me to be PTO president with a Claire in my life?). They offered on many many occasions to take Claire for a night, knowing she would most likely scream but knowing I needed sleep. One of these days I will get past the guilt of keeping them up and take them up on this amazing offer, but until then refer to lesson 1 :) But not just that, these amazing ladies love Claire like she is theirs and look past her screaming and tears and sleeplessness and see her smiley times. But not just that, they take care of me! Again mostly with coffee, but also with friendship just texting me when I'm frustrated and letting me vent about how horrible my life is (then me being embarassed twenty minutes later for complaining that I have a healthy grumpy child), checking on me and cheering me on through this past 10 months of Claire living. While I'm sure you can survive life without a village for support, I promise you it is so much more fun to have your village! So if you don't have one of these amazing things, stop reading right this second and go find one. I promise your life will be more joyful than you ever thought possible. And for my amazing amazing village (you all know who you are) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
5. Claire has truly shown me the meaning of unconditional love. I get it and I knew I had unconditional love for Kayla and Abby, but let's face it Kayla was my "easy peasy" baby who slept and rarely cried. Abby had so many medical issues as a baby I couldn't help but feel sorry for her difficult ways as a baby. But then I had Claire, healthy as can be but pissed off at the world Claire. Who will never be able to tell me what was so miserable, but all I could imagine was how scary this huge world must be for her, plus add in an Abby in her face ALL THE TIME, and you know I would cry a lot as well. There were definitely times where I would sing to her in my sweetest voice possible "you are the worst baby on the planet, yes you are" or "oh my gosh just go to sleep!!!" but the whole time I just felt almost pain that something was so horrible to this innocent baby who can't even tell me whats wrong that I even felt guilty making up these songs. And even though 10 months later I'm just now starting to get some sleep, I look back and love every minute I have had with Claire in our family.
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Look up Franklin the Turtle...you will find Claire's face |
So I'll finish with this, I promise I have many many many pictures of Claire not crying so she doesn't think she is just the forgotten third child (I know how hard it is to recover from that). I can't imagine Claire being any different than the baby she was because without going through this past year with her my life, we wouldn't be where we are as a family. I can't imagine our family without this bundle of crazy energy in our house, we would be bored (which is hard to say because you all know Abby right?). So seriously if you didn't stop reading when I told you to in lesson 4, GO FIND A VILLAGE!! Oh and make sure they have a good data package and enjoy texting (bc babies are not the best conversationalist) :)
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