We recently took a trip up to visit my sister and the week leading up to it all I could think was this is the break we needed. Bryon got to spend the weekend dry walling, while my sister and I shopped and took the girls to the water-park.
We had a blast and the whole weekend was great. But the thing I found when we got home Sunday, I was still in a funk come Monday morning. I didn't feel relaxed and refreshed ready to face a new week. So if vacation isn't the answer to my funk, I turned to my two favorite things, music and quotes. So here is a list of quotes that are going to motivate me out of my funk starting today and a couple of songs that are helping along the way as well.
Quote #1: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
This could have been my life motto through high school and college, and then I became an adult and had kids. And now it seems like it is so easy to get caught up in the everyday stresses of life we forget it really doesn't take much to make a difference in someone's life. I was talking to a friend the other day about some of what I think is causing my funky ways these past couple of weeks and that is this myth we have all fed into as adults that if you aren't in a job of power you can't make a difference. I will be the first to admit my career will never be my all, the thing I base my life upon, it's not what will bring me happiness. But at the same time I want to be remembered as someone who made a difference in my community. As I get older I want people to feel like I had a positive impact in their lives in some way, and to me I don't feel I need a powerful job to make it happen. However, I do need to start doing something and finding ways outside of work to start making an impact.
Another quote that could go along with this is "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others." It's time to start focusing on how I can help others more and focus on me less.
Quote 2: "You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy"
I have found myself letting the crap that doesn't matter bog me down over the past few weeks. I don't know if it is because the little stresses that normally don't bother me I used to work out at the gym or why the past few weeks this has changed. But I need to shake all the yuck off that doesn't matter. I'm not here to fight other people's battles that I have no part in. I am ready to get back to focusing on myself and the goals of my own life. So this quote was a nice shove to remind me, get rid of the toxic stuff that has no place in my life other than to weigh me down and distract me.
Quote 3 & 4: "Be the type of person that makes everyone you come across feel perfectly OK with being exactly who they are."
"Be an encourager. The world has enough critics."
These two sort of go along with the quote above. I need to say enough with the negativity and love and accept people for who they are, regardless of whether I agree with their choices. This is a big one for me when it comes to my youth cycling class because I tend to find myself getting frustrated with certain kids because our personalities clash. I have one in particular who will distract and disrupt my entire class if he is in the right mood, but I have found through the past two weeks we have made a connection with our love of writing. So now I can focus him on telling me about the books he wants to write and get through a whole class with no major disruptions. Instead of being annoyed and frustrated I can really connect and who knows, maybe impact his life as a positive encourager with something he enjoys.
Alright, I will stop boring everyone with my motivational quotes. But I will insist you listen two amazingly encouraging songs that can only leave you inspired to make a difference. The first one is by Matthew West called Do Something. Really just the title of the song makes me feel lazy! The second one is by Hillsong called Oceans (although my lovely and amazingly talented friend, Lynne Nagel, puts the actual song to shame with her voice!). These two songs have been on repeat this weekend and I can attest to them changing your attitude. I am finally at a place where I feel refreshed and positive and ready to make a a change. How exactly I am going to do that has yet to be determined, but I have no fear or doubt that I can do it...I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but that is for another blog post :)
For those that are feeling in this same type of nasty winter rut or life rut, I hope that maybe these quotes that motivate me may do the same for you....and if not, never fear, sunnier weather is around the corner. So remember, "Either you run the day or the day runs you."