Do you ever have those weekends where you get to the end of them and are completely exhausted yet refreshed at the same time? That pretty much explains this weekend! I got a MUCH MUCH needed girl's weekend to Columbus with some wonderful women (and they willingly put up with my crazy antics). We attended the Women of Faith Conference, and I am back home and ready to go...I am refreshed!
Speaking of motherhood I need to make an announcement, I am the proud mom, well proud co-mom, to a beautiful baby (ok 14yr old) boy!
Sheena and I have adopted Ramon, from the Dominican Republic. He is 14 and we can't wait to get our girls involved in coloring pictures and writing letters to him! I would share a picture of him here, but Sheena is hogging the one picture we have of him (just kidding bestie)
But I digress, anyways I am going to share first lots of amazingly crazy pictures of what it looks like when a bunch of moms get two days with no kids, and second a little update on my chaotic life!
(yes when we get a weekend away, we hang out by the urinals)
(and this is how we take pictures) (unlessyour best friend from MI is sitting
about 25ft away from you! ps this was not enough time with you Melissa!)
(and last but not least you spend your weekend photo bombing pictures)
Speaking of photo bombing, if you happen to be reading this and realize that beautiful lady in the green shirt just happens to be in your group picture and you have no clue why, please contact me :)
So as you can see it was a much much needed mom's weekend out! I'm not sure they will let us out again anytime soon.
Wow, is it finally Spring? It must be, because I am horrible about sitting at the computer writing when it's nice outside. Spring hit and we have been busier than ever. Kayla is now in full soccer mode. There is really nothing funnier than watching a group of 5yr olds play soccer. They sort of migrate down the field together and then one superstar kid takes it and scores. Kayla is not that superstar kid most of the time, but she did try to kick it at the goal at her last game which is an improvement from dancing at the opposite end of the field!
Kayla has also started Tball, so we have spent a lot of time at the park lately. Other than that we are finishing up Pre-K and Dance and I am so looking forward to summer when there is a lot less pick up and dropping off happening during my work day!
Then there is Abs....
Abby is currently on a sleeping strike. It takes around two hours to get her to sleep and now she seems to be crawling her way into my bed in the early morning hours. But she is Abs and loud and independent. She is excited to start Pre-School next year and dance. She practices her dance moves with big sister ALL THE TIME
So as you can see, we have been keeping busy, which leaves little time for blogging. But I promise I won't disappear for years, just days at a time. And you should do the same. Walk away from the computer and go play in this beautiful weather with your kiddos! Alright, I am off to pick up the kiddo from dance then picnic time. Happy Spring Everyone :)